Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Change in Karma: I Saved a Cat from a Tree and a River

Tonight I was lucky to check off another Life Goal from my Things to Do in Life list:

Save a Cat from a Tree. ... And / or River

Now that item/goal did not actually exist on my list- which also mainly exists in my head, sometimes forming itself on paper. However, after the experience, it seemed appropriate to add it retrospectively.

Here's the process of events that lead to perfect timing of the universe, the cat, and myself:

- I finish work in the kitchen at CHI and go for an 8 mi run.

- I return from the run, grab water from the kitchen and prepare to make a massive amount of granola for Friday breakfast.

- A volunteer enters the kitchen and invites me to the banya (sauna).

- I put on my bathing suit and head to the banya, putting off the granola for later.

- It's now night time and very dark in the country.

- 2 of the interns are near the banya and river and tell me they hear a crying cat and they intend to save it.

- The other interns shine the flashlight and we deduce that the cat is on the other side of the river but still can't see where its cries are coming from.

- I say, "Well, I'm gonna do the banya and then shower and if it's still there, I'll put on my pants and boots and hike over there to find it."

- I come out of the banya and the interns have found the cat: It's at the very top of the trees hanging over the river, approximately 50+ feet in the air!

- We decide there's no way to climb the tree that high, especially at night.

- The cat starts to move more in the tree as we shine a light on it.

- We think it may try to jump.

- I walk to the end of the dock with some anticipation of the cat falling. I worry about the current and if I'd actually be able to see the cat in the river at dark.

- Cat falls or makes a leap of faith from the tree.

- I immediately jump in the river as cat falls 50+ feet.

- I see the splash and I search for the cat.

- I'm able to catch a glimpse of the cat from the interns flashlight.

- The current brings the cat towards me, I make a clean grab and pull it out of the water.

- I hurry to the dock where the cat jumps from my hands and scurries off into the night.

- No bites or scratches.

- I return to the banya.

Cat Lives = (9 - X) - 1 [X = Lives previously lost]

Lazer's Karma Points = X + 1 [X = Previous karma points. Exact number of points unknown.]


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