Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Change of Tire + Attitude

This is me back at my temporary home in Brighton with my bicycle and a balloon I found.  This is the end of a somewhat unfortunate 4 hour journey.

4 hours earlier I leave Dexter on pictured bicycle.  Before that, I'm kayaking with a friend.  I opt to ride my bicycle back home instead of doing a 6 mi run for my marathon training.  It could be a pleasant 16 mile ride, an hour of sun and fall colors...

And it is all swell for about 8 mi... and then I get a flat.  Shitty roads- damn!  No worries.  I grab an extra tube and a hand pump from my bag.  Both of which could be very useful in this situation, except that my crappy wrench isn't useful at all.  I carry the crappy wrench to save weight in my bag... but now it isn't saving me anything.  As I try to take off my back wheel, the wrench bends and won't hold the bolt.  I try just pumping up the tire and it won't hold air either.

Insert said F-bombs here.

Okay, no problem.  I can call a friend for a ride and they'll probably pick me up.  However, as I search through my bag I realize today is one of those rare instances where I forget my phone at home.

Awesome!  Insert more said F-bombs here.

8 miles of pushing my bike home starts now.  Every now and then a car honks at me.  I hope one may offer me a ride.  It's not happening.  I pass a high school and get looks from a few cars of girls... no ride... c'mon! 

Discouraged, I start to think of how much I dislike suburbia... after a mile or so of negativity, I try to flip my attitude.  I think of all the things I'm grateful for... after a while I feel better.  It's gonna take me a while to get home... but I can enjoy the long walk.  Yeah!

Now my bike feels weird.  I stop and find that my front tire is flat now too!  Dang!  I just bought new tubes!

Insert said F-bombs here.

I walk for a while and wish I had a hybrid... they're expensive though.  I'm discouraged from buying an expensive bicycle as my last one was stolen.  I like my bicycle.  It's cheap, but it's light and fast.  On smooth roads that is...  I can't stand mountain bikes because they can be so slow... but nothing's slower than my road bicycle with two flat tires right now... aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!

Now I'm pushing my bike along busy roads.  With each car passing I feel their rush of air and squint to avoid getting dirt in my eyes.

My Camelback runs out of water.  I stop at a gas station for a green tea.  I take a break on a picnic table next door at the AA club.  I talk to a couple of guys.  They say, "Nice bike."  "Thanks, but it's a lot nicer without 2 flat tires."

I journey on with 3 miles to go.  On the side of the road, I find an orange balloon among other debris.  It, too, is holding little air.  I pick up the balloon in effort to think positive and cheer myself up.  I will carry it the remaining miles home.

Shortly after, an inspiring idea for a short film and/or photo series strikes me.  It keeps my mind busy with positivity for a while until a sign interrupts: "Scuba Lessons Start Today!"  Awesome!  I stop in to get more info on scuba certification.

2 miles out my feet hurt.  I take off my shoes to prevent a blister but I'm too late.  I walk the rest of the way home barefoot with a blistered heel.  Awesome!  Blisters: Just what I want before a marathon.

Will someone please give me a ride?  I have a balloon.  Is that cute, strange, weird?  I dunno...

Still trying to keep positive, I near my street sign home and ponder the possible irony that may happen in 30 seconds.

30 seconds later an SUV pulls over to the side of the road.  I approach the vehicle smiling as to what may be confirmed:

"Is something wrong with your bike?  Do you need a ride?"

"Yes, I have 2 flat tires... but this is my street right here so I'm okay.  Thanks though!"

Although I partly wish I found her three and a half hours earlier... I'm happy to still have found a good samaritan.  And if I did find a ride earlier... I may not have this new creative idea that I'm really diggin on...  Nor this stupid balloon...  Nor become inspired to start scuba diving... And maybe this was good marathon training for mental strength...

Anywho, stay positive.

1 comment:

  1. im trying haha i looked you up after i seen you filming the mt dew commercial in Ypsilanti i was interested to see who was behind it all. i live in the city of Ypsilanti, and i know what your saying about suburbia ive been in that same exact situation. even though ypsi is a suburb you can walk or ride anywhere. anyway i am an artist and i am creative i was out walking today trying to come up with some ideas. even though i didn't really come up with anything sold on that walk when i got back and got on the computer i ended up here on your page and ive been saying to myself lately i go to stay positive even though both my cameras are not working and every other one i have got trying to replace hasn't worked either. so all and all your an inspiration and even you go through these same kind of things. i followed u on twitter my twitter name is @gdetroit1 see ya around thx!glen
