Saturday, April 21, 2012

Making Change: The Documentary Thrive - Challenging Ideas, Questions, Answers, Solutions

The documentary film Thrive was released a few weeks ago for free on Youtube.  Watch the trailer above and the full film below.  I really do hope you'll live 2 hours of your life watching this.  I think it's important.  And there are few things I find important.  Maybe it will change your life.  Or maybe you'll change your life.  Find out more about the Thrive movement on the website.


The description of my blog in the top left corner there has stayed pretty consistent even though my blog itself is all about CHANGE.  Maybe that means CHANGE is a consistent process that is always CHANGING.

I don't know.

My blog description says, "It contains a variety of stuff I don't fully understand and probably never will..."  This is still very true.  But, I just lived 2 hours of my life to watch Thrive the documentary which provides some very good explanations for some of the questions I've been asking of both my life and life in general.

I sometimes find it really hard to identify or connect with humans and the world.  I sometimes feel crazy or alone with some of the ideas that swirl in my head.  I've been working on making positive change in my life but am always confused by how to make positive change in the world.  That step usually introduces concepts like politics, economics, or other things that get people so charged up... And the concept of politics and economics themselves do not make sense to me.

With American politics, I never understand why there are only 2 political parties or sets of major beliefs and why we have to vote on one or the other.  I cannot identify with either.  I also can never understand why people who choose to identify with a particular group hold onto those beliefs so rigidly as though it is necessary for their survival.  I do identify with Darwinism, evolution, adaptation, change, and survival of the fittest.  That makes sense to me.  It's a system that nature created.  Change is natural.  Everything changes.  But man created politics which is an unnatural and very complex system where the concept of "survival of the fittest" is distorted.

At times, it's also hard for me to understand beliefs just as a general concept.  It seems that when beliefs never change, people may attach a certain sense of pride to holding them.  And in many cases, this may work well.  It gives a sense of reliability, security, and predictability to actions that may be useful.  But what if you chose a wrong belief in the beginning but you didn't know better?  And the pride in holding that belief has now dug you into a big hole that will be tough to climb out of without 'losing face' among your peers.  What if it's not only your peers but your family?  I experienced an example of this:

Simply put:  Two close family members of mine were living their lives in a way that one older family member did not believe in.  It was a very strong belief associated to religion.  The belief was strong enough that it escalated to an argument with another close family member who was then "banned" from the believer's house and family.  The believer cited during their argument how many years they had stood up for what they believed in as though it was a justification.

But it never made sense to me.  I cannot justify supporting a belief or idea over a family member.  I could never understand religion, really.  I can understand the joy getting together once a week, singing, having a continental breakfast and planning community events.  But, I cannot understand how religion has created so much division, wars and killing among so many people in the history of mankind.  

I don't believe in religion, but I very much believe in spirituality and am on a path of exploring that.  I do believe in family.  I do believe in love.

Beliefs can be very powerful.  But to change your beliefs is even more powerful.

And the economy.  Wow!  That certainly does not make sense to me.  I got stiffed on one of the worst freelance jobs I ever did.  The company never paid me and after months of emails, I finally receive an explanation, "Due to the poor economy... we are unable to pay you at this time. "  What?  What do you mean?  What does the economy have to do with this?  How am I suppose to make sense of that?  Does that really work?  Can I just start telling people, bill collectors, banks, and the government that I simply cannot pay them back at the time due to the poor economy?

When it comes to the economy, I simply wish I didn't need to participate.  When I graduated from college, the one truth I did know was that I needed to pay off my loans right away so that I could be free.  Free from debt.  Free to choose what job I wanted and not have to worry about its pay.  Free to be in control of my own life and not have my choices be influenced by fear of not having enough money.  Free to explore a life worth living.  I've spent half of the past year doing work exchange: I don't receive any money, but I have a bed and healthy nourishing food, and I don't have many stresses of bills etc.  The only time I worry about money is when I need to get to the next place.  I've been much happier living this way.

Now that I've been taking control of my health and realize how important natural food and nutrition are to preventing and healing serious illnesses and cancers... I have even more questions:

Why is so much time, money, and resources spent on cancer research when I see so many personal witnesses come through these natural health centers and either make dramatic improvements or heal themselves completely of cancer and other illnesses?  What is all this find a cure talk about?  Why is little to no nutritional classes and education required for medical degrees?  Why are doctors telling my grandparents that they cannot eat too many greens because it will thicken their blood?  Why is organic produce more expensive?  Why are non-organic methods even used still when it's known that organic farming methods maximize nutrients while preserving and recycling natural resources?  Why do we spend so much water, produce, time, and resources to raise a mass amount of animal meat products that only give us derivative nutrition while severely polluting our natural resources?  Why do I only remember eating beef and cheese nachos everyday during middle school with a quarter cup of iceberg lettuce and tablespoons of italian dressing?  How is it possible for a large agricultural company to patent corn seeds and nature and sue other farmers for intellectual property theft when their seeds blow naturally in the wind onto their neighboring property?

If you wonder any of these same questions, or wonder what your doing with your life, or what you should do... maybe you should watch this film.  Ask questions about yourself, your life, and what you want life to be.  Don't accept it as it is because life is always changing and you have the power to make the change you want to see in the world.

A lot of my questions and developing ideas were aligned while watching this film.  There were also many ideas introduced that really challenged my ideas and understanding.  The end of the film does provides some positive directions and solutions for the future.  Check it out.  I'm curious to know what you think.


  1. Sing it brotha! Nat and I have been having these EXACT same questions.

    1. Josh, I can't believe you beat me to this! I just was just about to tell Marty how much we've been thinking about these very same ideas. We should watch this documentary tonight.

      Marty, can't wait to catch up with you, brotha! I'm super excited to check out this doc. Seems like it's going to bring a lot of things full circle for us.
